COVID 19 Update
Peter Nossiter

Dear Valued Customer
As of the 8th June we will be re-opening our doors to both existing and new patients.
We reassure you that we have Health & Safety uppermost in our minds. Having talked to our governing bodies and looked at the guidelines for healthcare workers, we are confident that our plan for our return adheres to their strict principles.
Here’s how we plan to manage our “New Normal” hands on practice.
Staggering appointments – as we have a number of practitioners in at any one time, we will be staggering appointments. We are allowing extra time between the appointments to enable room sanitisation and a rapid flow of patients through the practice, to minimise contact.
PPE (personal protective equipment) – All our practitioners will be wearing PPE (personal protective equipment) – masks, aprons, gloves and visors. Practitioners will change their PPE between each patient.
Skin cleanser – Our Podiatrists use a skin cleanser called chlorhexidine both before your treatment and after.
Pre-screening calls – We will be conducting pre-screening calls 24 hours before your appointment to ensure that you are in good health and to ask the following of you:
- Have you returned from abroad in the last 14 days?
- Do you have a cough or temperature?
- Have you been in contact with anyone who has a cough or a temperature?
- Have you been asked to self-isolate?
- Are you pregnant or immuno-compromised?
How you can help
- Please use the hand sanitiser gel, or wash your hands with soap and water on arrival at the time of your appointment. Facilities are available both in the downstairs cloakroom and the cloakroom at the top of the stairs.
- If you are early please wait in your car.
- If there are more than 2 people in the waiting room, please wait in your car.
- Please limit the number of family members, carers and children accompanying you to your appointment if at all possible.
We very much appreciate your patience and understanding and would like to thank everyone for the kind messages of support that we have received.
We are now looking forward to welcoming you back to Forest Foot & Health Clinic.
Please call us on 023 8081 4903.
Please leave a voicemail message if we are unable to answer your call immediately and we will return your call as soon as possible.
Thank you for your patience and understanding at this very difficult time for everyone.