Get Outside
Peter Nossiter

It’s Move More Month! Well, unofficially anyway!
Spring has sprung (for the time being) and we are already seeing the results. Ducklings down by the ponds, lambs bouncing around and the foals lying around and enjoying the sun.
The rise in temperature also brings out the runners, walkers and cyclists! This brings us to the Forest Foot and Health Clinic with a little bit of joy for every person making a go of getting out and active.
Whilst the weather is good, there really is no excuse! Let’s make the most of it and enjoy the sun and fresh spring air.
We all have an affinity to the sun (especially us Brits!) We naturally gravitate to being outside to soak up the rays. Perhaps on a subconscious level, we know it is good for us.
But being outside means we are spending a lot less time inside.
More walking, less sitting.
More time in the sun, less time in the dark.
More socialising with friends and family.
So do your mind and body a favour.
Grab a loved one and get outside, even just for a bit!