Resuscitation Training
The Podiatry Team

Our Clinical team, Physiotherapist and Customer Service Team refreshed their CPR skills with Katie Baker from the University of Southampton – NHS Foundation Trust, delivered a comprehensive update on Resuscitation Training.
The team are pleased to update their training and knowledge to ensure that we deliver the highest levels of care and attention to our patients.
Our podiatry, Physiotherapy and Customer Service team members enjoy their continual practice development, otherwise known as CPD, to maintain our clinical skills set.
An essential element of our training is to ensure we are up-to-date with patient safety. This includes our annual CPR training.
It is very common for people to panic when they see someone having a cardiac arrest but there is a simple acronym that can be used: DRS ABC.
D - Danger
Make sure you are safe before entering the situation. If you are at risk of becoming injured yourself, then do not enter the area. Your own safety comes first.
If you are able to help then check that the person is not in a position where they may injure themselves further. This may require you to move their body to a flat lying position.
R - Response
Are they responsive? Give them a shake and look for any signs of consciousness.
Don’t struggle on your own. Shout for help. Two sets of hands are better than one.
Get someone to phone 999.
*If they are not responsive, this is the time to call 999 and ask for an ambulance*
A - Airways
Is there airway clear? If not, open their mouth and clear it. This can be done with your hands or by tilting their head to the side.
B - Breathing
Are they breathing? Listen for at least 10 seconds for what can often be short shallow breathes.
C - Circulation
If you are getting no response and can hear or feel no breathing from them, start CPR.
Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 8.30 am - 5.30 pm (last appointment 5.00 pm)
Mon – Tuesday evening appointments available until 2000hrs (last appointment 7.30 pm)
Sat opening hours 0830-1230hrs
Visit here to see what treatments we offer or telephone our team on 02380 814903.